Your prayers, encouragement, and donations keep our nonprofit organization going.



All donations are 100% tax deductible and can be made online via Google Checkout, or with checks payable to "His Little Ones." Mail to:

Att. Rezarta Stefani, CFO
His Little Ones, Inc.
P.O. Box 251702
Plano, TX 75025

Please note that 100% of the donations from our supporters go to the kids. We do not use any of the general contributions to cover overhead or miscellaneous expenses. The His Little Ones board of directors covers all the overhead expenses associated with running this nonprofit organization.

Your support will be allocated to a combination of the following projects: food, McDonald's meals, Christmas project, Easter project, gifts for the kids, monthly birthday festivities, clothes, sanitary, education, medical, sponsor a child, nannies program, etc. We thank you in advance for your generous hearts!


All other correspondence, pen-palling, encouragement notes to the kids, feedback, prayers, and written inquiries shall be all directed to:

Att. Andrei Duta, PhD
His Little Ones, Inc.
P.O. Box 251702
Plano, TX 75025

Board Members
The HLO Team

Andrei Duta, PhD
Founder, President, and Chairman

Casey Tipton
Vice President

James Williams
Chief Information Officer

Rezarta Stefani

LeCreshia Phillips

Virginia Milstead

Gayla North
Special Projects Coordinator

David North

Nick and Viorica Duta
Ambassadors — Bucharest, Romania

Special thanks to our strategic partners:
University Church of Christ — Malibu, CA
TownWest Church — Taylor, TX
Aggies for Christ — College Station, TX

If you would like to receive our email newsletter, please send an email to this address with the word "subscribe" in the subject line.

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